For over 25 years, we have committed to the provision and access to free, safe and clean water to the residents of Ruiru Town - a precious source of life and safety for all.
We are humbled to have an opportunity to encourage learning, leadership and the uplifting of lives through education. We support active investment and governance in educational institutions and their infrastructure.
We recognise the crucial efforts of our elders in paving the way for a better way of life for future generations. Their investments, dedication, and sacrifices are invaluable.

Whilst we can never reciprocate their efforts, we have invested in elderly care centers to support a dignified life for our elderly.
For over two decades, we have worked with world-respected agencies (UNHCR, ICRC, World Vision and the Red Cross) for disaster management supplies under extremely challenging conditions. We remain fully committed in our relief work and hope to continue making a difference going forward.